Summer course: The Health and Wealth of Native Nations

Submitted by Elissa Washuta on

AIS 340 A: Summer 2013 A-term

The Health and Wealth of Native Nations

MTWTh 10:50 - 1:00
5 credits I&S
"Many Indian people throughout the Americas say that a rich person is one who has many relatives. This philosophy epitomizes the Indian world: An Indigenous person always positions himself or herself in a nexus of kin relations."
How might health and wealth be imagined through a different paradigm? What for instance, are the relationships between American Indian and Alaska Native families, peoples, their land and their traditional economies? How is cultural/spiritual, physical/mental, and economic health imagined differently in Indian Country? How have Native peoples perceived their own definitions of family, of community and of health? How and why is a present “healing” of Native individuals and families articulated to a revitalized land and community that extends to include so much more?
All are welcome, including non-students, during summer quarter. Tuition charges apply; the ACCESS program allows Washington residents 60 years or older to attend class as auditing students for a $5 registration fee.