
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Cherokee Earth Dwellers; Stories and Teachings of the Natural World. By Christopher B. Teuton and Hastings Shade. With Loretta Shade and Larry Shade. Illustrated by MaryBeth Timothy. Published March 2023 by University of Washington Press. Publications, Books
Cote, Charlotte. A Drum in One Hand, a Sockeye in the Other: Stories of Indigenous Food Sovereignty from the Northwest Coast. University of Washington Press. January 2022. Publications, Books
Owen Oliver, Indigenous Walking Tour for University of Washington, Seattle campus, May 2021. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Alexandra Harmon, Reclaiming the Reservation: Histories of Indian Sovereignty Suppressed and Renewed. University of Washington Press, 2019. Publications, Books
"AHR Forum Introduction: Indigenous Agency and Colonial Law." American Historical Review 124.1 (February 2019): 20-27. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
"Indigenous-Anglo Interactions over Pacific Marine Space: Makahs, Maori, and the British Empire in the Pacific." In Facing Empire: Indigenous Experiences of Empire in a Revolutionary Age, eds. Kate Fullagar and Michael A. McDonnell. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
"From 'Fishing Together' to 'To Fish in Common With'": Makah Marine Waters and the Making of the Settler Commons in Washington Territory." Journal of the West 56.4 (Fall 2017): 48-56. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. “Encounters with Interculturalidad: (Un)Learning Indigeneity and Decolonizing Knowledge in the Andes.” Chapter in Indian Subjects:  New Directions in the History of Indigenous Education, Brian Klopotek and Brenda Child, eds. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press.  Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. Culinary Fusion and Colonialism: A Critical Look at the Peruvian Food Boom. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall 2014.  Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. Culinary Fusion and Colonialism: A Critical Look at the Peruvian Food Boom. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall 2014.  Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Teuton, Christopher B. “Indigenous Orality and Oral Literatures.” Oxford Handbook of Indigenous American Literatures, James H. Cox and Daniel Heath Justice, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2014 Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Coté, Charlotte. “Food Sovereignty, Food Hegemony, and the Revitalization of Indigenous Whaling Practices,” The World of Indigenous North America. New York: Routledge, 2014. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Maria Elena Garcia. 2013. “The Taste of Conquest: Colonialism, Cosmopolitics, and the Dark Side of Peru’s Gastronomic Boom.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 18 (3): 505-524. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse and Robin K. Wright, co-editors. In the Spirit of the Ancestors: Contemporary Northwest Coast Art at the Burke Museum. Seattle: Bill Holm Center for the Study of Northwest Coast Art and University of Washington Press, 2013. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
“Indigenous Power in The Comanche Empire,” History and Theory, 52.1 (February 2013): 54-59. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Jean Dennison, Colonial Entanglement: Constituting a Twenty-First Century Osage Nation. UNC Press, 2012. Publications, Books
“Marine Tenure of the Makah,” in Indigenous Knowledge and the Environment in Africa and North America, eds. David Gordon and Shepard Krech (Columbus: Ohio University Press, 2012), 243-258. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Teuton, Christopher B. “Indigenous Textuality Studies and Cherokee Traditionalism: Notes Toward a Gagoga Rhetoric,” Textual Cultures, Indiana University Press, Volume 6, Number 2 (2011): 133-141. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
García, María E. and José Antonio Lucero. “Exceptional Others: Politicians, Rottweilers, and Alterity in the 2006 Peruvian Elections.” In “Indigenous Encounters: Race, Place, and Gender in Contemporary Peru,” Special issue of Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. 3.3 (2010): 253-270. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Million, Dian. "Felt Theory: An Indigenous Feminist Approach to Affect and History,” Wicazo Sa Review, v24 n9, Fall 2009. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
Teuton, Christopher B. “The Cycle of Removal and Return: A Symbolic Geography of Indigenous Literature.” Canadian Journal of Native Studies. Special Issue: What We Do, What We Are: Responsible, Ethical, and Indigenous-Centered Literary Criticisms. 29.1 & 2 (2009): 45- 64. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters
García, María E. Los Desafíos de la Interculturalidad: educación, desarrollo, e identidades indígenas en el Perú. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2008 Publications, Books
García, María E., Ed. Indigenous Encounters: Race, Place, and Gender in Contemporary Peru. Special issue of Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. 3.3 (2008). Publications
Lucero, José Antonio. Struggles of Voice: The Politics of Indigenous Representation in the Andes. University of Pittsburgh 2008. Publications, Books
Million, Dian. “Felt Theory,” American Quarterly, Summer Issue, June 2008. Publications, Essays, Articles, and Book Chapters